How To Take Care of Goldfish And Help Them Thrive

Thinking of getting a goldfish? Understand their needs first—tank size, diet, and water quality are key to keep them healthy and happy for years. Can Goldfish Be The Pet? Yes, a goldfish is more than just a pet. This vibrant little mate can add life and color to any home. And, believe me, if you […]
In Their Eyes: Revealing Singapore’s Pet Welfare

Pet Abuse Singapore is renowned for its strong legal framework, urban efficiency, and high standard of living however, behind the nation’s progressive image lies an ongoing issue: pet abuse and neglect of pets. Despite strict laws and public awareness campaigns, cases of pet abuse continue to surface, shedding light on the darker side of pet […]
The Wonderful Tiny World of Sea Monkeys

Are You Busy but Love Pets? Meet Sea Monkeys—The Perfect Pet for You Sea monkeys are an excellent choice for busy individuals who adore pets. Low-maintenance, fascinating, and family-friendly, these quirky creatures are a species of brine shrimp (Artemia salina) that have captivated pet enthusiasts since their introduction in the 1960s. Their name comes from […]
Excellent Guide to Nurturing Turtles in Singapore

If you’re a turtle enthusiast or considering adding a shelled friend to your home, you might be drawn to two popular species in Singapore: the Red-Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) and the Malayan Box Turtle (Cuora amboinensis). Both have unique characteristics, and caring for them involves understanding their habitats, diets, and local regulations. Here’s a […]
A Guide to Keeping Pet Frogs in Singapore

Owning a frog may appear to be an unconventional choice for most people. But surprisingly, they make great companions for those seeking a unique pet. Here is a guide to keeping a pet frogs! Frogs are a long-term commitment, with an average lifespan typically ranging from 4 to 15 years. Though some species have been […]